New Home Construction
This year marks our 35th year in Building and Focusing on the Empty Nester Buyer in Southwest Washington. We love what we do and Wow Time flies!!
Our Locations are terrific. We focus on providing lots that accommodate Single Level Homes with 3 Car Garages. We find locations that are peaceful. Views, Greenbelt lots and Access to lakes or rivers is our focal point when looking for land.
About a third of our business is building with clients on Non-Quail Lots. The lots can be in subdivisions, or on acreage. We help clients find lots or clients come to us with their lots. We build our plans, client plans or we can draw a plan from scratch. This is a big part of our business, and we are exceptionally good at it.
We welcome Customization. I personally collaborate with every client to make sure we get the home plan designed to their liking. Between Mascord Home Designs and Myself, we have over 80 years of experience designing homes.
We have an Excellent In-House Interior Designer that helps our clients get the Fit and Finish exactly right. She really helps take the stress out of the process of selections. She is our most popular employee!!
We incorporate Universal Design concepts into our homes so that our clients can be comfortable. We Widen the Hallways/Door Widths, provide Terrific Lighting, Minimize Steps and much more to help people now and in the future.
We are committed to building our homes with concepts from the EPS’s Zero Energy Ready Home and the EPA’s Indoor Air Plus program.
We want to make sure we do the best we can to make our homes Durable, Quiet, Comfortable, Healthy and Very Energy Efficient.
We choose Products and Building Techniques that are more Durable, Look Great and Provides Less Maintenance.
We feel that we have the Collective Wisdom and desire unmatched in Southwest Washington for serving the Empty Nester. Our Trade Partners are excellent (on average they have been with us for 19 years).
We thank you for considering Quail.